fbPersonal data policy - eTheatre

Personal data policy

I acknowledge the following personal data stored in the user account of Alapítvány a Magyar Színházakért (1055 Budapest Kossuth Lajos tér 16-17 fszt. 1/a) in the user database of www.eszinhaz.hu will be handed over to OTP Mobil Ltd. and is trusted as data processor. The data transferred by the data controller are the following: name, email address, address

The nature and purpose of the data processing activity performed by the data processor in the SimplePay Privacy Policy can be found at the following link: https://simplepay.hu/vasarlo-aff

Recurring credit card payment (hereinafter referred to as Recurring payment) is a function included in the acceptance of credit cards provided by SimplePay meaning that in the future it is possible to make payments with credit card details provided by the Customer during the registration transaction without giving credit card details again. One of the types of recurring payment, the so-called “ad-hoc payment” is made with the approval of the Customer during each transaction, so you have to approve all transactions in the case of each future payment. You will receive a notification of the successful payment through channels identical with conventional credit card payments in every case.

By accepting this statement to use recurring payment, you allow to make subsequent payments made from your user account in this online store (www.eszinhaz.hu) without providing credit card details again after the successful registration.

Please note: the processing of credit card details is in accordance with the rules of card issuers. Neither the merchant nor SimplePay has access to the credit card data. The Merchant shall assume direct liability for false or unauthorized recurring payments initiated by the Merchant, any claim enforcement against the Merchant’s payment service provider (SimplePay) shall be unavailable.

Az előfizetés megkezdésekor a fizetés 24 alkalommal ismételhető meg (24 token áll rendelkezésünkre az ismétlődő fizetéshez), a tokenek élettartama 2 év. A tokenek maximális terhelhető értéke az első vásárlás mértékével egyenlő.