fbOrlando - eTheatre


Genre: prose
Theatre: Coproduction of Európai Szabadúszó Művészek Egyesülete (ESZME) and FREESZFE Egyesület
Author: Adapted from Virginia Woolf’s novel by Bódi Zsófia, Fodor Orsolya and Hirsch Máté
Director: Fodor Orsolya
Runtime: 1 hour 53 minutes
Language: magyar, választható angol nyelvű felirattal

3390 HUF (€8.51)

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The performance was recorded on the 21st of May in 2021 at Kincsem Palace. It was also the production’s final rehearsal. The closed premiere was on the 2nd of June.

As for the girl, we know no more than Queen Elizabeth herself. She may have been a court lady, or some serving maid. For Orlando’s taste was broad; he was no lover of garden flowers only; the wild and the weeds even had always a fascination for him.

Orlando's biography consists of a series of life-events similarly to the biography of an (anti)-hero from a picaresque novel. Orlando's life is the essence of an androgynous soul compressed into a single moment. Orlando's story takes place in a single moment in three hundred and sixty years, in a three-hundred-and-sixty-five-roomed castle - the allegory of all time and space.

The Orlando-experience is an experience of the self: a journey both outside and inside. Orlando is an ironic historical. chronicle, an adventure novel, a style-parody, philosophy, subtle humor, playfulness, a cavalcade of symbols a vision of a historic and collective androgynous persona. Countless different times are ticking inside Orlando, and who knows how many different people set camp in his mind.

The production is adapted from Virginia Woolf novel, its genre is: space-specific performance, which was recorded in one shot. It takes place at the heart of the downtown, at Kincsem Palace where the audience can follow through Orlando's story.

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