eTheater is operated by a Foundation established and managed by the theatres themselves.
The primary goal of the Foundation is to preserve, inherit and develop the hungarian theatrical culture and tradition. The Foundation provides support for preservation of the artistic values of the theatres so that the theaters and theater makers can function in accordance with their goals and ranks.
By creating eTheater, on one hand the Foundation serves the theater-loving audience so that it can enjoy the performances all over the world without restrictions, on the other hand it mainly donates the theatres and creaters from th revenues. Because the Foundation does more than just act and work for the theater makers in the behalf of it.
The Foundation has been recording and providing theater plays to a wide audience for more than five years, using state-of-the-art technical equipment, with the help of the most highly qualified televison professionals, working with theater makers and of course, legally.
The Foundation finances its operation partly from private petronage and partly from the sales of performances, the creation of recordings and their transmission to the audience. If you would like to support the work of the Foundation, the eTheater platform, you can do this by purchasing a ticket or we are waiting for your sponsorship to the bank account of the Foundation: 11705060-21189436. We will use all the donations to provide you as many performances as possible.